Common Questions: Jiu Jitsu Gyms

What type of insurance do I need for a Jiu Jitsu gym?

When considering insurance for a Jiu Jitsu gym, various factors come into play, such as landlord and loan insurance requirements, gym activities, equipment (e.g., MMA cages, boxing rings, bench presses), facility size, and additional amenities like saunas or personal training. The type of insurance needed will vary depending on these factors.

What is the best insurance coverage for a martial arts studio?

The ideal insurance coverage for a martial arts studio is contingent on the activities offered and the location of the classes. Whether the studio rents a retail space or subleases from another gym also plays a role. Additionally, gym owners should consider coverage for employees, volunteers, and independent contractors involved in teaching at the studio.

How much does insurance for a Jiu Jitsu gym typically cost?

The cost of insurance for a Jiu Jitsu gym varies based on several factors, including the landlord's insurance requirements, your number of estimated students, hosting events or seminars, and other considerations. Typically, bundled coverage for martial arts and Jiu Jitsu schools ranges from $10 to $14 per student per year.

What are the liability risks associated with running a Jiu Jitsu gym?

Operating a Jiu Jitsu gym exposes owners to liability risks such as participant injuries, accidents on the premises, and harm to third parties. Additional concerns include instructor negligence, inadequate supervision, and lack of safety measures, all potentially leading to legal claims and financial liabilities. To safeguard against these risks, having comprehensive liability insurance is crucial. Moreover, implementing robust risk management plans is equally important to ensure the safety of participants and minimize potential liabilities.

Do I need insurance if I require participants to sign a waiver?

Requiring participants to sign a waiver is a smart risk mitigation step, but it doesn't negate the need for insurance coverage. Waivers inform participants and acknowledge potential hazards, yet they can be challenged in court. Insurance provides comprehensive protection beyond waivers, covering legal expenses, medical costs, and settlements resulting from lawsuits. It instills confidence, meeting requirements from landlords, lenders, or regulatory bodies. Combining both measures is vital for robust protection, as insurance remains essential for safeguarding your gym and personal assets amid unforeseen legal challenges.

Are there specific insurance options for martial arts instructors and coaches?

For martial arts instructors and coaches who teach in various locations as independent contractors or 1099 workers, specific insurance options are available. While they might not own a martial arts school, teaching at different venues requires them to have their own coverage. To ensure proper protection, coaches should add the venues or locations they teach at as additional insured parties on their insurance certificates.

It's crucial to understand that if a BJJ gym pays coaches and provides them with a 1099 tax statement, the assumption that the independent coach is covered under the gym's insurance policy is not valid. Each coach should have their own insurance to address potential liabilities while teaching at multiple locations.

By purchasing individual coverage and including the appropriate venues as additional insured parties, martial arts instructors and coaches can safeguard themselves against unforeseen risks and protect their personal assets. Being proactive about insurance is vital for ensuring comprehensive protection and maintaining a professional and responsible approach to coaching within the martial arts community.

What is the difference between general liability insurance and professional liability insurance for a Jiu Jitsu gym?

Jiu Jitsu gyms require both general and professional liability insurance for comprehensive risk management. While general liability covers accidents and property damage, professional liability addresses claims related to professional services. However, it's crucial not to assume that these coverages come bundled together. Gym owners must ensure they have both types of insurance to protect against various risks effectively. A tailored approach ensures a secure gym environment for all.

Are there any recommended insurance providers specializing in martial arts studio coverage?

At, we proudly recommend insurance providers specializing in martial arts studio coverage. Our brokers have established partnerships with carriers that understand the specific requirements of gyms we insure. Since every gym is unique, it's vital to collaborate with experienced insurance brokers like us. We can direct you towards the right coverage and ensure you receive proper insurance protection.

Does my insurance policy cover injuries to students during Jiu Jitsu classes?

The extent of coverage for injuries to students during Jiu Jitsu classes depends on the specific details of your insurance policy. While general liability insurance typically covers third-party bodily injuries that may occur on the premises, including injuries to students, not all insurance carriers include coverage for Jiu Jitsu or mixed martial arts activities. That's why it's crucial to work with an insurance agent who is knowledgeable about these activities and can confirm that they are covered by your policy (like us at

To ensure comprehensive protection, you may need to consider professional liability insurance for injuries resulting from the professional services provided during classes. We recommend reviewing your policy carefully, including any exclusions, to understand the scope of coverage for Jiu Jitsu-related injuries. Consulting with our experienced insurance professionals will help you determine the appropriate coverage to safeguard both your students and your business effectively.

Are there additional insurance considerations if I plan to host competitions or events at my gym?

Yes, hosting competitions or events at your gym introduces additional insurance considerations. General liability insurance might cover certain accidents or injuries during these events, but it's crucial to confirm the extent of coverage with your insurance provider. Depending on the scale and nature of the events, you may need specialized event insurance to address potential risks, such as participant injuries, property damage, or event cancellations.

Moreover, if you plan to invite participants from other gyms or have spectators present, you might need spectator liability coverage to protect against potential claims arising from accidents involving spectators. Additionally, if you hire third-party vendors or contractors to support the event, you should ensure they have their own insurance coverage to protect both parties from liabilities.

Discussing your event plans with your insurance provider or broker is essential to determine the necessary coverage and make any adjustments to your existing policies. Tailoring insurance to address the specific risks associated with hosting competitions or events will provide you with peace of mind and safeguard your gym against unforeseen financial burdens.

What to learn more about the insurance you might need to host a Jiu Jitsu event? If so, check out this article - What type of insurance do I need to host Jiu Jitsu events?

How can I find insurance policies that cater to the unique needs of Jiu Jitsu and mMA businesses?

At, we specialize in finding insurance policies that meet the unique needs of Jiu Jitsu and martial arts businesses. Our team has already conducted the necessary due diligence for you. We are here to assist you in selecting the insurance provider that best suits your specific requirements, considering factors such as your location, activities, equipment, landlord requirements, and other essential details that we will gather from you. Trust us to tailor the coverage to perfectly fit your Jiu Jitsu or martial arts business.

What steps can I take to minimize insurance risks in my Jiu Jitsu gym?

To minimize insurance risks in your Jiu Jitsu gym, implementing risk management planning is crucial. Conduct a thorough assessment of potential hazards and liabilities within the gym. Ensure that all equipment is well-maintained and safe for use. Enforce strict safety protocols and provide adequate training for instructors to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries during classes. Additionally, require participants to sign waivers to inform them of inherent risks and obtain their acknowledgment. Consider obtaining both general liability insurance and professional liability insurance to provide comprehensive coverage for accidents and claims related to professional services. Working with an experienced insurance provider, such as, can help you tailor coverage to your gym's specific needs and ensure you are adequately protected. By proactively addressing potential risks through risk management planning, you can significantly reduce insurance-related concerns and create a safe and secure environment for your gym and participants.

To learn more about risk management planning for BJJ gyms check out our article called REVAMPING SAFETY: BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU'S NEW ERA OF RISK MANAGEMENT.

Can I combine multiple types of insurance into a comprehensive package for my gym?

Yes, and you should. You can combine multiple types of insurance into a comprehensive package for your BJJ gym. Bundling coverages such as general liability, professional liability, property insurance, and more can offer extensive protection tailored to your gym's unique needs. Working with experienced insurance providers, like, will help you create a comprehensive package that ensures your gym is adequately protected from various risks and liabilities.

Are there any specific insurance requirements if I plan to offer youth Jiu Jitsu classes?

Insurance companies may have specific requirements when offering coverage for gyms with youth Jiu Jitsu classes, particularly related to hiring practices and staff for kids' programs. It's wise for a BJJ gym to include abuse and molestation protection in their insurance bundle to defend against potential allegations. Some jiu jitsu franchises, like Gracie Barra, ensure this coverage is added for all their affiliate gyms.

DO I need Workers Compensation Insurance for My Jiu Jitsu School?

The requirement for Jiu Jitsu schools to have workers' compensation insurance can vary depending on the jurisdiction and local regulations. In many places, businesses are required to carry workers' compensation insurance to provide benefits to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their work. However, the specific requirements may differ from one location to another.

If you are required to have workers compensation insurance because you have employees at your martial arts school then you will want to apply for coverage using the application that we have prepared for you here: Click Here & Apply For Workers Compensation Insurance >>

Can I get insurance coverage for my gym equipment and property as well?

Yes, you can get insurance coverage for your gym equipment and property. General property insurance can protect your gym against damage or loss of equipment, furniture, and fixtures due to events like fire, theft, or vandalism. Additionally, business interruption insurance can provide coverage for the continuation of your business operations in case of a covered event that disrupts your gym's normal functioning. This comprehensive insurance approach ensures that both your gym's physical assets and business continuity are safeguarded, providing you with peace of mind and protection against unforeseen circumstances.

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