A Guide To Extending Your Fighting Career With Jiu Jitsu Insurance.

If you are a jiu jitsu fighter, injuries are inevitable. That means that paying for medical bills is an unavoidable part of training and fighting. Unfortunately, there is no way to know how much those medical bills will cost until after you have already been injured and treated.

Large medical bills can bankrupt you, and leaving injuries untreated will end your competition career. If competing is an essential part of your life, then carrying jiu jitsu insurance coverage should be a top priority. When you are insured you have a better chance of extending your days fighting.

Types of Jiu Jitsu Insurance

There are three types of low cost insurance programs every Brazilian jiu jitsu athlete needs to know about:

Accident & Injury Plans

This type of plan sends you a check every time you have to see a doctor for an accident or injury. You can use this check to pay your medical bills, or use it for other expenses and it does not matter if you have any other coverage or not. These plans usually also include a life insurance policy. Accident and injury insurance is inexpensive, with an average cost of only $8-$25 per month.

Hospitalization Plans

The hospitalization plan pays you a lump sum payment for each day you are in the hospital. You can use this money however you wish. This plan will pay you a lump sum benefit even if you have other health insurance coverage. Hospitalization plans cost between $10 and $30 a month.

Income Insurance Plans

These plans send you monthly payments when you are out of work because of health problems. Short term disability insurance pays out quickly so that you can take care of yourself and pay your bills. Long term disability kicks in if you become permanently disabled. You will need to talk to an insurance agent to determine the price of these plans because they are usually based on your age and income.

Which Type Of Jiu Jitsu Insurance Should I Buy?

If you are older or have pre-existing medical conditions, you should purchase an accident and injury insurance plan. This plan does not require any medical underwriting or medical questions at the time of application. This means anyone will get accepted for one of these insurance plans, no matter if they have other underlying health issues or not.  

If you have don’t have traditional health insurance coverage, you should definitely invest in a hospitalization plan. Even if you have health insurance, you usually are responsible for large deductibles and uncovered expenses if you are hospitalized. This type of insurance makes sense for everyone.

If you are young and healthy, you can lock in a very low rate for disability insurance. The disability plans offered through employers are often light on benefits, so it is better to buy your own income protection plan with the assistance of an insurance broker. This will guarantee that you’re getting a good plan that will help replace your lost income when you need it.

In an ideal world, every jiu jitsu fighter would have all three types of supplemental insurance as well as a traditional health insurance plan. Jiu jitsu is a high risk sport, whether you are a weekend warrior or competitive athlete. Injuries will happen, so you need to be fully prepared to face the costs of treatment and recovery if you want to get back on the mats quickly after getting hurt.

What Is The Difference Between Traditional Health Insurance and Jiu Jitsu Insurance?

Traditional health insurance plans do not pay all of your medical bills, and they do not provide you money to cover your normal bills during recovery. When you use traditional major medical plans, you can only see approved doctors and receive approved treatments. Traditional health plans also only pay money direct to the doctors, and usually leave you to still owe money.

While we always recommend that fighters have traditional health insurance, it is only a partial solution to major financial loss. Supplemental jiu jitsu insurance plans fill in the gaps so that you are not left in medical debt. These plans pay out directly to you, and they pay out quickly. Jiu jitsu insurance gives you cash in hand to deal with the day to day expenses of being injured.

Position Yourself For Recovery

Jiu Jitsu teaches you to control the frame and always position yourself for recovery. Even if you win every fight, an injury outside of the ring could take you down, ruining your finances and your fighting career. If you want to live the jiu jitsu lifestyle, you must carry the lessons you learn on the mat into the rest of your life.

In order to position yourself for recovery from injuries, you need to talk to a licensed insurance professional who also has a deep knowledge of the sport. We’re here to help, and we’re always just a phone call away.

Real-Life Examples Of Jiu Jitsu Injuries

Accidents are inevitable. You can suffer an injury even if you are not on the mat. One real-life example of this is Dean Lister. Dean was walking back home after getting food one day after work. On the way back to his home, he was struck by a vehicle.

This tragic event left Dean out of work for several months because he could not travel and teach seminars. Because he was out of work for an extended period, the medical and personal debt began to pile up rapidly.

Supplemental insurance plans pay out directly to you, and these plans pay out quickly. It does not matter if you are injured on or off the mat. These policies allow you to keep paying your bills and covering your expenses, even when you are out of work.

It is an unfortunate reality, but many combat sports athletes cannot afford medical treatment in the likely event of an injury. Miriam Nakamoto is a world champion kickboxer. She is one of the millions of people who cannot afford healthcare. A knee injury has kept this woman financially struggling and out of competition since 2013.

In an interview with Joe Rogan, she discusses the realities of life since then. Several months later Miriam Nakamoto received a blessing when she learned that Joe Rogan was willing to pay for the entire medical procedure for her knee. However, most of us will not be so lucky. Without jiu jitsu insurance, most fighters will not receive the medical care they need.

Gabriel Duniz was a gifted fighter. At the young age of 15, this boy was skilled enough to be granted a pass to compete at the adult level. During one of his fights, he became the victim of one of the most lethal injuries in sports. He suffered a spinal injury.

As a result of the injury, he severely damaged his third and fourth vertebrates. After undergoing two surgeries to realign the spine and remove bone fragments, doctors are still unsure if Gabriel will regain movement in the limbs.

What would happen to you if you were permanently disabled in a fight or during training? Qualifying for disability payments in the US takes years. Income protection insurance for short term disability is designed to pay out quickly. If your short term disability becomes permanent, long term disability insurance will send you payments for the rest of your life. Get protected today!

Frequently Asked Questions About Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Insurance

Is Jiu Jitsu Insurance Expensive?

This depends on the type of insurance you purchase. You can spend as little as $8 a month. Many fighters choose to budget $50 to $100 a month for supplemental insurance. This guarantees that they will receive fast payments every time they face a medical setback. Scott Sievewright is a Milwaukee, WI based BJJ athlete who purchased two of these plans for under $50 per month and when he tore his ACL not only did these plans pay 100% of all his medical bills but they paid him an extra $1000 bucks on top of everything. You can read all about Scott and his insurance polices in this blog post, click here >>.

What Is The Best Jiu Jitsu Insurance Plan For Me?

That is determined by your budget and your needs. It is always better to carry some form of jiu jitsu insurance when fighting. Contact us for a free consultation, and we will help you to determine the best plans for your specific needs.

Do These Plans Pay Out To Me or To My Doctors?

These plans pay you directly. A check will be mailed to your home. Supplemental insurance pays out quickly, so you get the money when you need it most. You may decide to use the money to pay medical bills, cover rent, or buy groceries. The money is yours to spend however you want.

Can I Become Permanently Disabled While Participating In This Sport?

Jiu Jitsu is a high risk sport. Every fighter will be injured at some point during their fighting career. While most fighters recover from injuries, some fighters do not fully recover and become permanently disabled. If you are serious about fighting, you also need to be serious about financial planning for these risks.

How Do I Buy Jiu Jitsu Insurance?

You need to speak to a licensed insurance agent who is also familiar with the sport. An agent can help you to identify your financial needs, determine how much coverage you need, and help you pick the best insurance policies. Give us a call today, we will give you a free consultation!


The Origins of Personal Combat Sports Insurance


Torn ACL to Fuji BJJ medalist in just 12 - months, with Scott Sievewright.