Revamping Safety: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu's New Era of Risk Management.

The landscape of the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) industry experienced a seismic shift following the recent $46 million lawsuit against Del Mar Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The repercussions of this landmark case have been far- reaching, impacting how gym owners operate and how they perceive and manage risks within their training environments. It has raised questions about established practices, and heightened scrutiny, and compelled gym owners to revisit their risk management plans.

Importance of Risk Management in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gyms

We are keenly aware of the significant role that risk management plays in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gyms. Our perspective is that a comprehensive risk management plan must be thoroughly conceptualized, well documented, and regularly reviewed with all gym personnel, including coaches and other employees. This approach highlights the complex responsibilities of gym owners in devising, continually refining, and effectively communicating risk management strategies.

Creating a conducive training environment that is safe, healthy, and beneficial for trainers and trainees alike is largely the responsibility of the owners. Understanding that risk awareness is a collective duty beyond simple knowledge and adherence is essential. In this setting, coaching staff and gym employees are equally vital in ensuring the successful implementation of these risk management plans.

A New Era of Protocols and Procedures

The recent Del Mar lawsuit has instigated a transformational shift, encouraging gym owners to reconsider their conventional operational practices. While previously employed strategies may have been successful, adaptation and innovation are now paramount. This legal development has required a comprehensive review of gym policies, leading to an amplified focus on potential juror viewpoints.

At, we strongly believe that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gym owners need to reassess their operations in light of this lawsuit. The legal action has ushered in new protocols and procedures that demand consideration. Understanding the judicial viewpoint from which gym operations might be assessed has never been more crucial.

Without question, this emerging era of protocols and procedures underscores the significance of sensible risk management in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gyms. As the industry grapples with these changes, gym owners, coaches, and trainers must equip themselves with the necessary knowledge, strategies, and resources to manage risks responsibly and effectively.

Utilizing Outside Resources for Risk Management

In the wake of the Del Mar lawsuit, now's a great time to draw wisdom from others in the sport for risk management. The Jiu-Jitsu community has access to a multitude of resources, many of them available right at our fingertips. For instance, YouTube offers extensive content from seasoned practitioners who share invaluable insights into reducing risks at the gym. A standout voice amidst these is that of John Danaher, renowned Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and mixed martial arts instructor and coach from New Zealand, recognized for his authoritative and strategic approach to injury prevention.

John Danaher on Reducing Injury Risk in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

John Danaher's perspective on risk management in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gyms sheds light on how the culture and environment within these spaces play a critical role in mitigating injury risk. His philosophy pivots on a singular keyword - 'control.’

John Danaher says that there is one word he uses to describe how you can manage the culture and the environment in your gym to reduce the risk of student injury. The more controlled the movement and even the minds of Jiu-Jitsu practitioners, the lower the injury rate.

In this ethos, control is twofold; it refers to the physical control of movement during training, but it also emphasizes mental control, specifically the ability to regulate emotions, competitiveness, and the overall mindset during a match or practice.

How Control Impacts Injury Rates

John Danaher elaborates on control: "If you make control rather than outcome the central focus of both yourself and your training partners, you will find injury rates, particularly small-scale injury and severe injuries, go down over time."

This indicates that a shift in focus can make a world of difference. Prioritizing control of the body and mind over the outcome of a match or session results in fewer injuries over time. This means fostering a gym culture that prizes mutual respect and self-control, understanding that these are the building blocks of a safe training environment.

Gym culture plays an outsized role in injury prevention. If both gym owners and practitioners committed to fostering an environment where control and safety are at the helm, the impact on injury rates will be profound. The idea is not just about winning or mastering techniques but about learning, growing, and practicing in a way that values every individual's safety and well-being.

By integrating such strategies and philosophies into their risk management plans, gym owners can mitigate the likelihood of incidents and cultivate a culture that puts safety first. John Danaher's insights can serve as a guidepost in this endeavor, helping owners and coaches shape the ethos of their gyms.

Turning Risk into Control: The Future of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gyms

The Del Mar Brazilian Jiu Jitsu lawsuit marks a turning point in the industry, compelling gym owners to reevaluate their risk management plans. John's assertion that "control rather than outcome" must be the central focus in the gym culture for injury rates to reduce over time rings louder now more than ever. Gym owners need to be proactive in creating safer environments for their students and staff. This not only ensures their well-being but also reduces legal risks. Should you need guidance on liability insurance or other methods to minimize risk in your gym, do not hesitate to reach out.

Together, we can create a safer Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community.

The Del Mar Jiu-Jitsu Case: Implications for Martial Arts Liability & Insurance.

This article delves into the significance of the Del Mar Jiu-Jitsu case and its implications for martial arts liability and insurance. Attorney Gabe D'Antonio's comprehensive overview of the jury verdict provides valuable insights into the reasoning behind the ruling. Moreover, the article highlights essential risk management strategies for gym owners, emphasizes the importance of appropriate insurance coverage, and stresses the need for gyms to regularly review and update their risk management plans.

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Who is Responsible for Medical Bills in Jiu-Jitsu Training: Understanding Liability and Insurance.


The Del Mar Jiu-Jitsu Case: Implications for Martial Arts Liability & Insurance.